To configure your site in WS_FTP, first you need to open the application and then follow this guide.
1. To create a new site, click 'File' then 'Site Manager'
2. To add a folder to store your new site, click 'Create Folder' enter a name for it and click 'OK'
3. Select your new folder then click 'Create Site' and give the site a name.
Note: As this is for your reference only you can use any format you like.
4. Click 'Next' and enter the IP address for your site.
Note: This will either be or the IP address supplied by your web host to use until your site DNS has fully propagated.
5. Click 'Next' and enter the username and password provided to you by your web host in the 'User Name' and 'Password' fields.
6. Click 'Next', leave the connection type field as the default setting.
7. Click 'Next' and then click 'Finish' and your site is created.
8. To configure your site select it in 'Site Manager' and click 'Edit'
9. To configure your startup settings, select 'Startup'
10 In the local folder field, enter the name of the directory where your files are stored on your hard drive.
11. In the remote site folder, enter the name of the directory where you will upload your files to on your remote server.
Note: The correct name for your root directory will have been provided by your host and will usually be public_html, httpdocs or www.
12. Click 'OK' to save your settings.
13. To delete a site, select it in 'Site Manager', then click 'Delete'
14. Confirm the deletion in the pop-up by clciking 'Yes'